Pastors Conference Nov. 5-7, 2024

Registration is Open

This conference is for pastors and their wives, church leaders, and anyone who hopes to someday be a pastor or church planter. It’s a time for both teaching and fellowship. Most of all, we gather as pastors around God’s Word to celebrate the glorious gospel and better apply it to the churches we love and serve.

The Apostle Peter writes, “Once you were not a people, but now you are God’s people; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy” (1 Peter 2:10). Because we have received mercy through the gospel of Jesus Christ, the local church is no ordinary community—it is the very community of God’s people, a colony of heaven on earth. As such, we’re called to live God-centered lives, shining as lights in the midst of a fallen world. Pastors have the great privilege of leading their churches to live lives centered on God: delighting in his presence, joyfully pursuing godliness, and doing all things for his glory. We do this by our example, and through our preaching, pastoring, discipleship, and leadership. Our 2024 Pastors Conference is intended to equip pastors, their wives, and local church leaders to more fully delight in God and equip their churches to be a God-centered people.
